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Control room design

Recent Trends in Control Room Design: Creating Collaborative, Comfortable, and Efficient Workspaces for Operators

The control room industry is constantly evolving, with new technology and design trends emerging yearly. As we progress towards 2025, it’s essential to stay informed about the latest developments in the field. Control rooms are an integral part of industries that require constant monitoring and supervision, such as power plants, transportation, and process control. They help maintain safety, efficiency, and productivity by providing operators with the necessary tools and information to make informed decisions.In recent years, control room design has evolved to create collaborative workspaces, utilizing large video walls, improving ergonomics, and creating a more comfortable and efficient working environment for operators. In this blog, we will take a closer look at some of the latest trends in Control Room Design that can help improve the performance and productivity of your operation.

Collaborative Control Room Environments:

One of the most significant trends in control rooms is the move towards collaborative workspaces. Collaborative control rooms allow multiple operators to work together to manage complex processes more effectively. This is achieved by creating a shared space where operators can work together and communicate effectively. Collaborative control rooms typically feature large video walls that allow operators to view multiple sources of information simultaneously, enhancing situational awareness and decision-making.

Large Video Walls:

Because of a shift from conventional control rooms to collaborative control rooms, large video walls have become a popular functional requirement in control rooms. These video walls typically feature large screens that can display multiple sources of information, including real-time data, surveillance feeds, and other critical information. Video walls provide operators with a comprehensive view of the situation, making it easier to identify and respond to potential problems. The use of large video walls has also enabled the integration of video analytics, which can automatically detect anomalies and alert operators to potential issues.

Advanced Automation Systems and Intense Working Environment:

Use of advanced automation processes in control room presents an exciting challenge for control room operators to demonstrate their skills and expertise. Operators are required to process vast amounts of data and respond quickly to potential issues, which can be challenging and stressful. Recent trends are now focused on creating more comfortable working environments to improve operator performance and reduce the risk of fatigue-related errors. This has led the companies to invest in advanced air filtration systems to reduce the risk of operator fatigue and improve air quality in control rooms. Companies are also investing in development of control room consoles that are designed to reduce physical strain and create a more comfortable working environment.

Control Room Consoles:

Control Room Consoles are a critical component of modern control rooms. They provide operators with the tools they need to manage complex processes and systems efficiently. Recent trends in control room consoles have focused on improving ergonomics and creating more customizable and adjustable workstations. Ergonomic control room consoles are designed to reduce physical strain and discomfort, which can help to improve operator performance and reduce the risk of fatigue-related errors. Customizable and adjustable control room consoles allow operators to create workstations that are tailored to their specific needs and working styles, helping them to work more efficiently, effectively and ergonomically superior manner.


In conclusion, the control room is a critical component of many industries, and recent trends have focused on creating more comfortable and efficient working environments for operators. Control room consoles are a crucial component of these trends, with an increasing focus on improving ergonomics and creating more customizable and adjustable workstations. As automation continues to increase, operator training and development will become even more critical, helping operators to develop the skills they need to manage complex processes and systems effectively. By investing in these trends, companies can improve operator performance, reduce stress, and ensure the safety and productivity of their operations.


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